A-Z Verbs

Spanish Verbs – I

First, define the verbs

Ir | To go
Inscribir | To enroll
Incluir | To include
Incorporar | To incorporate
Indagar | To investigate
Indicar | To indicate
Inducir | To induce
Infundir | To infuse
Ingerir | To ingest
Inhibir | To inhibit
Injuriar | To insult
Inmortalizar | To immortalize
Inmovilizar | To immobilize
Innovar | To innovate
Inocular | To inject
Inscribir | To inscribe
Inseminar | To inseminate
Insinuar | To insinuate
Inspirar | To inspire
Instalar | To install
Integrar | To integrate
Intelectualizar | To intellectualize
Interiorizar | To internalize
Interceder | To intercede
Intercambiar | To exchange
Interceder | To intervene

Second, relate them with something

Ir | Viaje
Inscribir | Registro
Incluir | Lista
Incorporar | Empresa
Indagar | Crimen
Indicar | Dirección
Inducir | Convicción
Infundir | Confianza
Ingerir | Alimento
Inhibir | Acción
Injuriar | Palabra
Inmortalizar | Obra
Inmovilizar | Miembro
Innovar | Producto
Inocular | Enfermedad
Inscribir | Nombre
Inseminar | Ganado
Insinuar | Idea
Inspirar | Idea
Instalar | Aparato
Integrar | Grupo
Intelectualizar | Pensamiento
Interiorizar | Conocimiento
Interceder | Ayuda
Intercambiar | Objeto
Interceder | Solución

Third, use them in a sentence

Iremos al cine. | We will go to the movies.

Se inscribirá en la universidad. | He will enroll in the university.

Incluirá a todos en el grupo de WhatsApp. | She will include everyone in the WhatsApp group.

Incorporarán nuevos empleados a la empresa. | They will incorporate new employees into the company.

Indagarán sobre el robo. | They will investigate the robbery.

Indicará la dirección correcta. | She will indicate the correct direction.

Inducirá a sus amigos a unirse al proyecto. | She will induce her friends to join the project.

Infundirá ánimo en sus compañeros. | She will infuse spirit in her companions.

Ingerirá la píldora. | He will ingest the pill.

Inhibirá sus instintos agresivos. | He will inhibit his aggressive instincts.

Injuriará a su oponente. | He will insult his opponent.

Inmortalizará su nombre en la historia. | He will immortalize his name in history.

Inmovilizarán su brazo con una escayola. | They will immobilize his arm with a cast.

Innovarán un nuevo proceso. | They will innovate a new process.

Inocularán la vacuna. | They will inject the vaccine.

Inscribirá su nombre en el libro de visitas. | He will inscribe his name in the guest book.

Inseminarán al ganado. | They will inseminate the livestock.

Insinuará que tiene algo que decir. | He will insinuate that he has something to say.

Inspirará profundamente. | She will take a deep breath.

Instalarán una nueva computadora. | They will install a new computer.

Integrarán al nuevo miembro al grupo. | They will integrate the new member into the group.

Intelectualizará sobre el tema. | He will intellectualize about the topic.

Interiorizará la lección. | He will internalize the lesson.

Intercalarán días libres en el horario. | They will intercalate days off in the schedule.

Intercederá en favor de su amigo. | He will intercede on behalf of his friend.

Intercambiarán regalos. | They will exchange gifts.

Intercederá en favor de su amigo. | He will intercede on behalf of his friend.

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