First, define the verbs
Masticar | to chew
Mejorar | to improve
Multar | to fine
Mordisquear | to nibble
Meter | to put in
Mirar | to look at
Morder | to bite
Montar | to ride
Mosquear | to frown
Motivar | to motivate
Mudar | to move
Mudar de casa | to move house
Mudar de ropa | to change clothes
Mudar de trabajo | to change jobs
Moverse | to move
Morir | to die
Mostrar interés | to show interest
Mostrar respeto | to show respect
Motivar a | to motivate
Second, relate them with something
Masticar | chicle
Mejorar | habilidades
Multar | conductores
Mordisquear | bocadillos
Meter | cosas en un armario
Mirar | televisión
Morder | perros
Montar | bicicletas
Mosquear | persona molesta
Motivar | estudiantes
Mudar | casa
Mudar de casa | familias
Mudar de ropa | actores
Mudar de trabajo | profesionales
Moverse | animales
Morir | árboles
Mostrar interés | turistas
Mostrar respeto | ancianos
Motivar a | empleados
Third, use them in a sentence
Si no tuviera miedo, masticaría una araña. | If I weren’t afraid, I would chew a spider.
Si no tuviera tanto trabajo, mejoraría mi español. | If I didn’t have so much work, I would improve my Spanish.
Si ves a alguien haciendo algo peligroso, multarías a esa persona. | If you see someone doing something dangerous, you would fine that person.
Si tuviera hambre, mordisquearía una manzana. | If I were hungry, I would nibble on an apple.
Si necesitaras más espacio, meterías tus cosas en el sótano. | If you needed more space, you would put your things in the basement.
Si tuviera tiempo, miraría todos los capítulos de mi serie favorita. | If I had time, I would watch all the episodes of my favorite show.
Si mi perro me molesta, lo mordería. | If my dog bothers me, I would bite it.
Si tuviera una bicicleta, montaría todos los días. | If I had a bike, I would ride every day.
Si alguien me molesta, mosquearía. | If someone bothers me, I would frown.
Si tuviera más dinero, motivaría a mi hijo a ir a la universidad. | If I had more money, I would motivate my child to go to college.
Si no me gustara mi casa, mudaría. | If I didn’t like my house, I would move.
Si hiciera frío, mudaría de ropa. | If it were cold, I would change clothes.
Si no me gustara mi trabajo, mudaría de trabajo. | If I didn’t like my job, I would change jobs.
Si estuviera cansado, me movería a un lugar más cómodo. | If I were tired, I would move to a more comfortable place.
Si no tuviera agua, moriría. | If I didn’t have water, I would die.
Si visitara un lugar interesante, mostraría interés en conocer más sobre él. | If I visited an interesting place, I would show interest in learning more about it.
Si conociera a una persona mayor, mostraría respeto hacia ellos. | If I met an older person, I would show respect towards them.
Si tuviera un negocio, motivaría a mis empleados a ser más productivos. | If I had a business, I would motivate my employees to be more productive.