A-Z Verbs

Spanish Verbs – N and O

First, define the verbs

Necesitar | to need
Negociar | to negotiate
Nacer | to be born
Navegar | to navigate
Nadar | to swim
Negar | to deny
Oír | to hear
Observar | to observe
Ocupar | to occupy
Ofrecer | to offer
Ocultar | to hide
Oler | to smell
Opinar | to express an opinion
Ordenar | to order
Organizar | to organize
Oler a | to smell like

Second, relate them with something

Necesitar | dinero
Negociar | contratos
Nacer | bebés
Navegar | internet
Nadar | piscina
Negar | acusaciones
Oír | música
Observar | aves
Ocupar | una habitación
Ofrecer | un trabajo
Ocultar | un regalo
Oler | flores
Opinar | sobre política
Ordenar | libros
Organizar | eventos
Oler a | ajo

Third, use them in a sentence

Si no tuviera suficiente dinero, necesitaría pedir prestado. | If I didn’t have enough money, I would need to borrow.

Si quisiera comprar una casa, tendría que negociar el precio. | If I wanted to buy a house, I would have to negotiate the price.

Si mi hijo tuviera un bebé, nacería un nieto. | If my child had a baby, a grandchild would be born.

Si quisiera encontrar información en internet, tendría que navegar. | If I wanted to find information on the internet, I would have to navigate.

Si quisiera refrescarme en el verano, tendría que nadar. | If I wanted to cool off in the summer, I would have to swim.

Si alguien me acusara de algo, negaría la acusación. | If someone accused me of something, I would deny the accusation.

Si estuviera en un concierto, oiría a la banda tocar. | If I were at a concert, I would hear the band play.

Si fuera a la playa, observaría a las aves volar. | If I went to the beach, I would observe the birds flying.

Si quisiera tener un lugar para dormir, ocuparía una habitación en un hotel. | If I wanted to have a place to sleep, I would occupy a room in a hotel.

Si tuviera una empresa, ofrecería empleo a personas calificadas. | If I had a company, I would offer employment to qualified people.

Si tuviera un regalo para alguien, lo ocultaría hasta el día de su cumpleaños. | If I had a gift for someone, I would hide it until their birthday.

Si alguien estuviera cocinando ajo, olería a ajo en toda la casa. | If someone were cooking garlic, I would smell garlic throughout the house.

Si estuviera en una reunión, opinaría sobre el tema que se está discutiendo. | If I were at a meeting, I would express my opinion on the topic being discussed.

Si tuviera una biblioteca, ordenaría los libros por autor. | If I had a library, I would order the books by author.

Si quisiera tener una fiesta, tendría que organizarla con tiempo. | If I wanted to have a party, I would have to organize it in advance.

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