
Spanish suffixes – Sufijos apreciativos -ito/-ita, -azo, and others

Los sufijos apreciativos

Son aquellos que se añaden al final de una palabra para expresar afecto, cariño, admiración o valoración hacia el objeto o persona designada por la palabra base. Otra manera de explicarlos es que indican distancamiento afectivo y un cierto asombro.

-ito es un diminutivo.

casa | casita
perro | perrito
gato | gatito
gato (en otros regiones) | gatico
flor | florecita
burro | borrico
cuerpo | cuerpecito
lengua | lengüecita
paz | päcita
lucha | luchita
pelea | peleita
árbol | arbolito
niño | niñito
pan | pancito
corazón | corazoncito
mesa | mesita
lápiz | lapicito
dulce | dulcecito
torta | tortita
ratón | ratoncito
osito | osito
beso | besito
mano | manita
sol | solecito
taza | tacita
muñeca | muñequita
vestido | vestidito.
palmera | palmerita
barco | barquito
cuchillo | cuchillito
abejorro | abejorrito
brujería | brujeritita
tiburón | tiburonicito
sombrero | sombrerito
papel | papelito
campana | campanita
chaleco | chalequito
corbata | corbatita
mosquita | mosquitita
hierba | hierbita
lámpara | lamparita
maleta | maletita
murciélago | murcielaguito
peluche | peluchito
carrusel | carruselito
calavera | calaverita

-illo es usado en la misma manera. Es un diminutivo.

polvo | polvillo
cuchara | cucharilla
espejo | espejillo
sombrero | sombrerillo
huevo | huevillo
ratón | ratoncillo
nido | nidíllo
bolsa | bolsillo
piedra | piedrecilla
ramita | ramitilla
manzana | manzanilla
pajarito | pajarillo
corazón | corazoncillo
amapola | amapolilla
cuchillo | cuchillito
mar | marillo
pescado | pescadillo
beso | besillo
café | cafecillo
jardín | jardinillo
lluvia | lluviecilla (o llovizna)
sol | solecillo
papel | papelillo
iglesia | iglesilla
aguja | agujilla
puerta | portilla
falda | faldilla
niña | niñilla
chico | chiquillo
bocado | bocadillo
gaviota | gaviotilla
escoba | escobilla
fósforo | fosforillo
lombriz | lombricilla
calavera | calaverilla
pollera | pollerilla
corbata | corbatilla
cajón | cajoncillo
mochila | mochililla
muñeco | muñequillo
regalo | regalillo
zanahoria | zanahorilla
dedal | dedillo
sueñito | sueño | sueñecillo
torbellino | torbellinillo

-ote es un aumentativo.

perro | perrote
casa | casota
mesa | mesota
gato | gatote
cama | camota
árbol | arbolote
caballo | caballote
bote | botota
rana | ranota
niño | niñote
corona | coronota
mano | manota
ojo | ojote
panza | panzota
barco | barcón
barba | barbota
sombrero | sombrerote
pera | perota
dedo | dedote
pierna | piernota
nariz | narizota
labio | labiote
carpa | carpona
cuchillo | cuchillote
pelota | pelotota
caballo | caballote
cerdo | cerdote
trompeta | trompetota
botella | botellota
corazón | corazonote
té | teote
lechuga | lechugota
candil | candilote
remolacha | remolachota
chamán | chamanote
hacha | hachote
murciélago | murciélagote
ancla | anclota
papaya | papayote
cebolla | cebollota
erizo | erizote
rosquilla | rosquillota
zapote | zapotote
alcoba | alcobota
estrella | estrellota
terrón | terronote
pilón | pilónote
zafiro | zafirote
cuervo | cuervote
caldera | calderota

-aco is another aumentativo, similar to -ote.

libro | libraco
hombre | hombraco
perro | perraco
jefe | jefazo
barco | barcaco
palo | paloaco
bolsa | bolsaco
cama | camaco
reloj | relojaco
dedo | dedaco
piso | pisaco
pelo | pelaco
cerdo | cerdaco
libro | libraco
muro | muraco
tigre | tigraco
oso | osaco
pan | panzaco
puerta | portaco
loro | loraco
abuelo | abuelaco
perro | perraco
casa | casaca
cartero | carteraco
gato | gataca
niño | niñaco/niñaca
jefe | jefazo/jefaza
puerta | portaca
abuela | abuelaca
pájaro | pajarraco
mujer | mujeraca
zapato | zapataco
mesa | mesaca
pera | peraca
pollo | pollaco
cama | camaca
caballo | caballaco
silla | sillaca
hombre | hombraco

-on is yet another aumentativo.

pan | panzón
lluvia | lluvión
casa | casotón.
flor | florón
perro | perroón
cabeza | cabezón
vaso | vason
ojo | ojón
dedo | dedón
nariz | narizón
zapato | zapatón
tiburón | tiburón
ratón | ratón
bote | botón
corazón | corazonón
rueda | ruedón
árbol | arbolón
barco | barcón
montón | montón
león | león
cajón | cajón
espalda | espaldón
pájaro | pajarrón
barriga | barrigón
sofá | sofón
tonto | tontón

-azo is yet another aumentativo.

golpe | golpazo
cuerpo | corpazo
bocado | bocaza
puerta | portaza
cabezón | cabezazo
oído | orejazo
pierna | pernaza
pie | pezón
nariz | narizota
pan | panzón
mesa | mesaza
pescado | pescadazo
mano | manaza
botella | botellazo
cristal | cristalazo
boca | bocazo
pelo | pelaza
corazón | corazón
oreja | orejaza
trago | tragazo
zapato | zapatazo
beso | besazo
perrito | perrazo
silla | sillaza
camión | camionazo
cama | camaza
botón | botonazo
plato | platazo
lengua | lengüetaza
frasco | frasacazo
ala | alaza
libro | librazo
zapatería | zapateraza
caja | cajaza
dedo | dedazo
burro | burrazo
cocinero | cocinerazo
carro | carrazo
cebolla | cebollaza
colmillo | colmillaza
melena | melnaza
colina | colinaza
timbre | timbraza
veneno | venenazo

-udo es un aumentativo similar.

fuerza | forzudo
tonto | tontudo
nariz | narigudo
diente | dentudo
pelo | peludo
pie | pedudo
barriga | barrigudo
codo | codudo
lengua | lengüetudo
pescuezo | pescuezudo
ojo | ojudo
oreja | orejudoa
cabeza | cabezudo
labio | labiudo
mano | manudo
pata | patudo
dedo | dedudo
falda | faldudo
pulgar | pulgudo
bigote | bigotudo
ceja | cejudo
dedo del pie | dedudo del pie
hombro | hombretón
uña | uñudo
labio inferior | labiodudo
caballo | caballudo
cintura | cinturudo
espalda | espaldudo
mejilla | mejilluda
puente de la nariz | narigón
gato | gatudo
león | leonudo
perro | perrudo
elefante | elefantudo
toro | torudo
lobo | lobudo
castillo | castilludo
callejón | callejudo
ciervo | ciervudo
caracol | caracoludo
abanico | abanicudo
tejado | tejadudo
libro | librudo
árbol | arboludo
mariposa | mariposudo

Los despectivos son sufijos que se añaden a algunas palabras para indicar una connotación negativa o despectiva. Como diminutivos y aumentativos, son sufijos apreciativos. Como ves, puede usar la forma aumentativa y deminutiva.

casa | casucha
libro | librito
mujer | mujercilla
hombre | hombrecillo
trabajo | trabajillo
tonto | tontuelo
perro | perrillo
niño | niñato
bar | baratillo
ciudad | ciudadelilla
abogado | abogaducho
borracho | borrachuelo
hijo | hijito
calle | callejuela
comida | comidilla

Pero el sufijo -ucho normalmente significa despectivo.

Perro | Perrucho
Niño | Niñucho
Bar | Barucho
Comida | Comiducha
Hombre | Hombretucho
Mujer | Mujeruca
Trabajo | Trabajucho
Gato | Gatuchado
Ropa | Ropucha
Silla | Sillucha
Planta | Plantucha
Pueblo | Pueblucho
Ciudad | Ciudachucha
Bolso | Bolucho
Cama | Camucha
Taza | Tacucho
Cuarto | Cuartucho
Coche | Cocharrucho
Dedo | Deducho
Pantalón | Pantalonucho
Cuchillo | Cuchillucho
Carro | Carrucho
Diente | Dentucho
Cabello | Cabellucho
Tren | Trenucho
Piso | Pisito
Mesa | Mesuca
Pelo | Pelucho
Ventana | Ventanucha
Botón | Botonucho
Sombrero | Sombrerucho
Candelabro | Candelabrucho
Cepillo | Cepillucho
Bombilla | Bombillucho
Cenicero | Cenicerucho
Rosario | Rosarito
Cigarrillo | Cigarrillucho
Cántaro | Cantarito
Portón | Portonucho
Agarradera | Agarraderucho
Peineta | Peinetuca
Encendedor | Encendedorucho
Farol | Farolito
Caja | Cajita
Tenedor | Teneducho
Guitarra | Guitarrita

-astro es usado como -ucho.

Poeta | Poetastra
Escritor | Escritorastra
Actor | Actorastro
Diplomático | Diplomáticastra
Empresario | Empresariastra
Casa | Casastra
Coche | Cocheastro
Animal | Animalastra
Rana | Ranastra
Silla | Sillastra
Árbol | Árbolastra
Vaso | Vasoastro
Plato | Platoastro
Cama | Camastra
Pelota | Pelotastra
Perro | Perroastro
Gato | Gatoastra
Puerta | Puertastro
Mesa | Masastra
Caja | Cajastra
Pared | Paredastra
Lápiz | Lápizastra
Sombrero | Sombreroastro
Tijera | Tijerastra
Botella | Botellastra
Joven | Jovenastro
Viejo | Viejastra
Rico | Ricastra
Tonto | Tontoastro
Feo | Feastra
Gordo | Gordastro
Largo | Largastra
Flaco | Flacoastro
Corto | Cortastra
Sucio | Sucioastro
Ruidoso | Ruidosastra
Cansado | Cansadoastro
Lento | Lentoastro
Raro | Raroastro
Amargo | Amargastra
Fácil | Fácilastro
Duro | Duroastro
Fresco | Frescastra
Dulce | Dulceastro
Fuerte | Fuerteastro
Pedante | Pedantastra
Arrogante | Arrogastro
Fanfarrón | Fanfarronastra
Soberbio | Soberbiastra
Tacaño | Tacañoastro
Cobarde | Cobardeastro
Deshonesto | Deshonestastra
Haragán | Haraganastra
Ignorante | Ignorastro
Pretencioso | Pretenciosastra
Engreído | Engreídastra
Insolente | Insolastro
Altanero | Altanerastra
Vanidoso | Vanidosastra
Irrespetuoso | Irrespetuastra
Malcriado | Malcriadastra
Grosero | Groseroastro
Chismoso | Chismosastra
Envidioso | Envidiosastra
Criticón | Criticonastra



Daily Practice Ideas for Studying a Language

How to learn a language: Getting ‘comprehensible input.’ For example, if someone gives you a word like ‘leaf’ that’s fine but if they hold a leaf and tell you the word ‘leaf’ you will get more out of it. If you’re learning from a book or website, you may have to compensate for the lack of a person giving you such comprehensible context for new words, using your imagination and actively teaching yourself. Focus on understanding the message.

The difference between language ‘acquisition’ and ‘learning’. You don’t need to be aware of your knowledge to use language. You can understand the meaning.

Alternate between active learning and relaxation (not looking at a screen, but being normal).

Sometimes watch shows with subtitles, and sometimes watch without.

Don’t think that repeating words out loud will help you learn. You can learn from just listening. To improve pronunciation, record your voice repeating a native speaker and listen to it.

Sustained silent reading (when a person understands the magority of what they read) of books the reader enjoys will surprise people accustomed to the assumptions of Western education in how it’s effects are better than Audio-Visual-Complete lessons or hard text books.

Ideas para la práctica diaria

  • Study a vocabulary lesson
  • Follow Arbol on Facebook or Twitter for advanced palabras del día (and other espanol)
  • Create and work with flashcards
  • Label everything in your home with post-its or stickers
  • Write your shopping lists in Spanish
  • Whenever you need to count something, do it in Spanish
  • Keep a notebook to jot down new words you learn or words you want to look up
  • Look up new terms in a Spanish-only dictionary to see if you can guess the English equivalent before using a bilingual one
  • Write a paragraph featuring 10 new words on Facebook or Twitter
  • Use a dictionary aimed at adolescents

Arbol Free Online Flashcard Maker

Link to Arbol Flashcard Maker

We coded a flashcard maker. These are instructions for it, although it’s pretty easy to use.

You paste text into the box and click ‘Format’ and then click ‘Print’ (you can ‘Print’ to your printer or to a pdf, and it should be already formatted properly). You flip your paper and put it back into the printer half way to print the other side of the flashcards.

You make lists of words like this:


Each pair of words is separated by a ; and the two words in a pair are separated by ,,

Because we use ,, to separate words, you can still use comma in your text (if you want to use a sentence for example on one side of your card which includes a comma). The only characters you can’t use on your flashcards are ,, and ;

If you go to the Arbol Flashcard Maker we have some ‘test text’ there. Just copy that text starting with ‘uno’ and paste it in the box and click ‘Format’ and you’ll see how it works. As you can see, the second set of words (for the other side of the flashcards) are in reverse horizontal order, so when you print them they will be correct.

When you print out your flashcards you can cut them into squares. Each regular sized sheet of paper (8.5×11, 22cm x 28cm), letter paper, makes 10 flash cards. We experimented with sizes and found that was the best for actual use. If you wanted to, you could double this by printing 2 sheets on each side of paper (you set this in your Print Settings when you actually go to print), but these will be quite small cards. We chose 28px font size. (You can change this using Inspect Element before you click print, see our video tutorial).

Arbol Flash Card Maker

When you print, you have to take the pages out, rearrange the order, and flip them over and put them back in to print onto them again, because you have to print on the other side. If you have 4 pages to print total, you put 2 pieces of paper in and Print, then you arrange those sheets so the first one is top-most and print onto them again. (You might have to experiment to figure out how to put them in the second time, see our video tutorial for tips – the best tip is to draw a pencil up arrow at the top of the first sheet you print, which you can refer to when figuring out how to put the sheets in for the second part of the print.) Some people have printers that print both sides automatically, but most people don’t, so we formatted our cards for what most people have. If you have a double-side printer you probably know how to make this work, and so you can put your instructions in the comments below.

If you have any issues with printing, please check your Print Settings. Your Print Settings might be set to add a border or something, which will cause the cards to print weird. We have them set to if you just print with no modifications to it, it will print nicely. You have to print in Portrait mode, of course, not Landscape.

Note that there is a maximum thickness of paper which will run through a printer. Usually this is “cardstock,” which is 60-120 pound paper. Although a sheet of this may seem too flexible to you, when it’s cut into small squares it seems much firmer. When you go to buy this paper, you just say “cardstock” or just say you want the thickest paper that will go through a printer. They will know what paper this is, since it’s one of the most common requests.

Comment below if you have any suggestions for the Flashcard Maker, like if you’d prefer a different default font or something.

Link to Arbol Flashcard Maker